Why Heroes and Villains…Always?
There are certain stories that everyone knows. Stories of the hero and the villain. The damsel in distress that must be rescued. The story of good conquering evil and saving the world and everyone in it. These ideas have been played out countless times in countless different media and other forms such as writing and theater and I’m sure many more. Someone might be given to wonder why. Why is it that no matter how many times these ideas and philosophies are shown, everyone will keep taking them in and appreciating them no matter what form they take?
It's Deeper Than It Seems
The entire dynamic of the hero versus the villain and saving the world speak to something deeper than what is on the surface. Inside, everyone knows that the hero saving the world from the villain is what is right, so by extension it is always accepted. Artists have tried to subvert this expectation by creating things like the anti-hero or the vigilante. They are usually people or beings that use very undesirable means to achieve good ends for the most part. The inherently right nature of cheering for the hero also plays into this. That is the reason why many people feel slightly uncomfortable when watching and cheering for a Marvel hero like Deadpool or the Punisher. It’s true they may have motivations that are understandable, and the audience knows they are meant to be the hero, but the means by which they accomplish this can be difficult to watch. That is because the audience knows that there is something strange about it.
Another draw for these kinds of characters is the fact that they are usually so different from the majority of good or evil characters. They are something unique which draws in the audience as well. High stakes are another thing that is usually present in stories like that. The rise in dystopian stories is evidence of this. The problems must continue to grow and become more and more dangerous, and that is almost a guarantee that more people will consume the medium. I believe it speaks to a certain part of the human nature that we are always so receptive to the idea of the hero. We may know that the hero will win in the end, but all the same we like to witness it happening because it speaks to a deep part of the human mind and heart.
A Desirable Villain
In opposition to the heroes of course there are the villains. They have always had very interesting dynamics in all different kinds of media. The audience knows that the villain is the villain and they know that ultimately the hero will take them down. However, as a frequent audience member myself, I find the journey of reaching the villains is the most enjoyable part. The villains have to have a layered and compelling story behind them, otherwise they fall flat and cannot stand up to the hero. It can be a very strange dynamic. The audience wants the villain to be brought down but at the same time the villain must be presented in a convincing and scary way. Otherwise the villain itself is not believable. It is the wonder of what might or might not happen within stories like this that keeps people coming back. It’s the idea of so many different possible outcomes and not knowing what will happen.
The draw for many audience members is the unpredictability of the story. In many cases that can be very hard to accomplish. The creators of the story in whichever medium must create a careful balance between telling the reader just enough information to keep them coming back for more. At the same time, they cannot lay everything out for the consumer too quickly otherwise continuing becomes a chore. A very good example of storytelling can be seen in the Star Wars films. In their time they were not only masterfully written but also had the power of the most current special effects behind their execution as well.. And even now, many many years after the first one was released the franchise despite having some problems is still going very strong. It’s all about crafting a unique formula that shows the creators certain flair and style.
It's All About the Story
Whether an audience member is a fan of the hero or the villain or even different aspects of both together, the art of good storytelling and great character creation will ensure that these character dynamics will continue for a very long time yet. To see the villain be bested, to see the hero brought down by betrayal or to see a happy ending for all involved, there are always new and interesting ways to showcase that amazing dynamic of the heroes and the villains.