Our world has been consumed with an obsession of swiping, double-tapping and constant scrolling. According to a new study done by Nielsen Marketing Group, the average American adult spends about 11 hours a day interacting with media. This has grown significantly from four years ago when the national average was nine hours and 32 minutes. Many media outlets and television shows have been floating around the idea of the abuse of technology, which can be detrimental to our health over time.
The Dark Side of Social Media
Let’s examine four negative effects of social media and how they can affect us. Learning just how dangerous social media can be can teach us the importance of taking a break every once and a while:
“Social Media Addiction”
Someone taking a picture of their food for Instagram
I can definitely say there have been times where I questioned if I had an addiction to my phone. I realized that I would check my Instagram account once or twice every half hour! Health experts can’t agree as to whether or not social media addiction actually exists. Many studies, however, have provided sufficient evidence to prove that there should be a legitimate concern. A study done by Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University found that excessive social media users exhibit similar behavior as those with a substance abuse disorder. We form unhealthy relationships with social media when we don’t take breaks or manage our time.
2. Depression and Anxiety
Most healthcare professionals agree that excessive social media usage has a strong connection to depression and anxiety. One study found that excessive social media users were more likely to report feelings of social isolation. Interactions through social media platforms cannot replace the face-to-face interaction that humans require to thrive. Without those connections, people will inevitably begin to feel isolated and alone.
3. Decreased Self-Esteem
With or without social media, we all have our own insecurities. In fact, a study done by the University of Copenhagen found that people suffer from something called “Facebook Envy.” Facebook Envy is when someone constantly compares themselves to other Facebook users. Those who abstained from using Facebook rated their lives at a higher satisfaction from those who continued use.
4. Disturbed Sleeping Habits
Studies have proven that social media usage at night does cause sleep disturbances. Health experts say that the blue light emitted from phone screens keeps the brain alert by reducing the production of sleep hormones, thus disturbing sleep patterns. Since social media is by nature online, simply scrolling through Instagram can disrupt your sleep cycle, even if your feed is just cute animals. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of no screen time before bed.
So, How do We Stop?
Someone checking social media while runningTurn off all your notifications – If you don’t get notified of activity, it’s easier to not check.
Delete the app entirely – If turning off your notifications don’t work, delete the apps that keep you preoccupied.
Get a real alarm clock – Charge your cell phone in another room and get a separate alarm clock. It may help to start your day without immediately looking at a screen.
Set boundaries – Give yourself an allotted amount of time to be on social media. Screen time diagnostics are your friend!
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