Celebs in the Yang Gang: Why have so many joined in?
Who’s In the Gang?

Andrew Yang has a substantial following, and those who support him have begun to dub themselves “The Yang Gang.” And while the majority of Yang’s supporters are average people just like you and me, he has also accrued quite the celebrity following. From Rich Brian to Whoopi Goldberg, from Neil Degrasse Tyson to Nicholas Cage, from Elon Musk to Casey Neistat, Andrew Yang seems to resonate with quite a broad collection of entertainers and social personalities.
Why Join Up?

One could point to one of nearly 200 policies on his page as to why he is so popular among this crowd, but I am willing to bet the obvious answer is also the most prevalent of the set; universal basic income. This would be $1,000 a month guaranteed for every American citizen.
His flagship policy (recently endorsed by Harris, Gabbard, and many others) would without doubt support independent creators, helping them find sustainability and safety in a career fraught with the dangers of becoming a starving artist, which may be why so many celebrities support Yang. Perhaps they remember their meager beginnings and don’t want to see others suffer the same.

How and Who Does this Help?

The basic income would be in essence a guaranteed $6/hour raise to everyone based on the standard work week. Additionally, those who currently aren’t being supplemented for their work in the arts and in the community would now receive a base level compensation for their value in society.
Take for example the graffiti artist (or street-artist, if you will) who livens up their community with striking, provocative pieces: that person may struggle to find a meaningful method of monetizing that time spent on their passion. Thusly, this program would give a base floor for that artist to help them explore that and continue to decorate and inspire entire cities!
Another great example includes the part-time gig musician, working bars and open mics hoping to find that core audience. Now that person has a shot at maintaining stability while pursuing their dreams.
One kind of person in society who this program would profoundly benefit, who is currently overlooked by both the left and the right is the stay-at-home parent. Our GDP currently values these people at $0.00. Andrew Yang often discusses his beautiful and intelligent wife Evelyn Yang, (who by the way would be a KILLER First Lady) who is undoubtedly putting in tons of work raising their two children, one of whom has Autism. Important, valuable work, has zero value? Doesn’t make sense, does it?
All of the people I mentioned earlier, creators, entertainers, scientists, artists, all of them see what most of the Yang Gang can see: this program would create a golden age for people trying to find meaning in their lives through their passion for the arts. This is one of MANY reasons I personally am a member of the Yang Gang, and I hope all of you who have read this far will consider joining him as well.