Why is it So Hard for Us to Sit Still?
Most of us who grew up around the late ’80s to now, understand our phones, computers, etc., better than our own selves.
It is hard for us to sit still because we do not want to be left alone with our thoughts and the worries of tomorrow. Think about it, someone has more patience to watch their computer update than to deal with something they are going through or a task that needs to be completed.
We hold our phones in a vice-like grip when we’re out and about. If we think we’ve lost it, we do an old ritualistic dance across our bodies to find it.
When someone we know walks by us and we hope they did not notice us look at them, we put our headphones in and bury our faces as a distraction to those around us.
Now, all technology-based uses are not bad. They connect us to our loved ones. We can run an empire in our hands. We can also retrieve global news at the drop of a hat. We can even record our greatest moments to withstand the tests of times.
All of these examples are a few ways in which we’ve let technology get a vice-like grip around us without even knowing, good or bad. However, there are ways to gain a new perception of yourself and the devices that you keep.
Social Media Cleanse
This is not to say that you need to delete any apps or get rid of this or that, but try to challenge yourself for at least a week to not get on social media at all.
No Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. If this is where you run your business, by all means, use it, but challenge yourself to not scroll through your feeds after you’ve handled business.
Just speaking from experience, I had so much time on my hands when I did this for a week, I finished a week’s worth of school work in two days.
Try Something New
Everyone, and I mean everyone, is nervous trying something new, but that’s the beauty of it all. That nervousness comes from uncertainty. You’re uncertain of how you may like or dislike it, who you can trust, and maybe what you’re going to be doing.
Try things like a weekly trivia night with friends, joining a group that paints every Saturday, or maybe learn about spirituality.
All of these things create a twinge of nervousness that’s good for you and this is to help you find out who you are and may want to become.
Live in the Moment
This one particularly pertains to Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
We want to document the great moments in our lives so that we can always rewind them and relive them again. Although, I’ve found out that the more pictures and videos I take, I can never really remember the event as much as I could have if I had just left my phone alone.
So, what this means is ‘Be Present’. For at least one event, try to leave your phone or camera in your pocket or in your car and just be in that moment with nothing tugging on you to distract you from the beauty in front of you.
Start Fresh
Trust me, this is not a step by step guide on how you should live your life, but it does help you prioritize things that matter most to you.
Your devices will always be there when you need them, but the opportunities and people that you see will only be there for a split second. If you do not decide what is more important to you and your future, you might miss it.
So, go out there and read a book, clean up the ocean, volunteer at a dog shelter or deal with hurt from the past so that you can heal from it and move forward.
Whatever you may do, just seize the day before it seizes you.